Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cheap Electric Guitars Online

Cheap electric guitars are a great alternative to shelling out a ton of dough on a top of the line brand new six string. That's a fact we've already discussed and you know buying a cheap electric guitar is the best option for you. So where should you look first?

The internet. No question about it.

The internet should be where you begin your search. That certainly doesn't mean your search shouldn't go any further than that. Your chances of finding a great deal on a cheap electric guitar are just as good in the real world(as opposed to the fake realm of teh internet!!@!). The internet may be where you find your best deal also, but the main purpose of using the internet is its usefulness as a research tool.

First its best to get a good idea of what kind of guitar you want to buy. Learn about the brands and what type of playing they cater to.

Are you looking to shred some heavy metal riffs? You might want to check out an Ibanez.

Do you see yourself as more of a blues player? A Fender or Gibson may be more your style.

Once you have an idea of what kind of cheap electric guitars your interested in playing its time to think about price. Go ahead and look up the retail prices for new models to get an idea of how much of a deal you can get when your quoted a used price.

When you have a good idea of price I'd recommend going down to your local music store and testing out some of the merchandise. Get to know the feel of each brand you're interested in listen to the type of sound the produce. But use caution and don't fall in love. Remember - the goal is to find deals on cheap electric guitars. Brand new guitars sold at major music stores are sure to be priced high. Guitar capos won't even come cheap at the major outlets.

You'll get there one day. When you're band is climbing the charts you'll be able to walk into the store and pick out 5 or 6 brand new axes before you're tour, but we're not their quite yet.

Once you've pinpointed the exact kind of guitar you want to buy then I'd suggest to get back online and check out some auction sites or classifieds and find the best price out there. You'll now be armed with the knowledge of what you want and what it should cost you.

Good luck and when you made a successful purchase come back for some beginner lesson on playing cheap electric guitars.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cheap Electric Guitars and How to Play One

If you've already purchased a cheap electric guitar and your a beginner; it's time to learn how to play. Today I'd like to talk about your options on how to go about learning to play guitar.

Option #1 - Take Professional Guitar Lessons

This is the best way to learn how to play a cheap electric guitar. A professional guitar teacher will show you how to start owning the fret board, and give you invaluable coaching and on-the-go criticism that will jump start your electric guitar playing skills. If you have the opportunity to sit down one on one with a teacher you should go for it. There are plenty of mistakes novice guitar players can make and loads of bad habits can be formed. Bad guitar playing habits can be painful to break, so if you have a teacher that can quickly spot them and correct them, you'll be far ahead of other beginners.

A good teacher will also teach you how to properly read music as they teach you to play the guitar. Learning to read music is something that many novice players find difficult, but a teacher can make it simple. Learning how to read music is not necessarily an essential part of learning to play the guitar, but it is a common difference between an amateur and a professional player.

Option #2 - Teach Yourself How to Play Guitar

This option is the path that many, including myself have taken. It's likely that if you purchased a cheap electric guitar, you probably don't have much money for lessons. If so, rest assured that you're purchase will not go wasted even if you don't have another dime to spend on a professional teacher.

When I learned to play, my only option was to buy some tablature books of my favorite bands. For those of you who don't know what tablature is (more commonly referred to as guitar tabs), it's a simple alternative to learning how to read music. Tabs literally tell you exactly which guitar string to play and which fret of the string to press your finger on. Any song can be transformed into tabs, and just about every song has been.

The first tablature book I bought was for Pearl Jam's first album Ten. I was 13 and I remember running home completely psyched to get started. I threw my guitar strap over my shoulder, opened the book and let some notes rip. It of course didn't sound anywhere close to good, but I knew I was on my way. I played for hours a day and eventually mastered every song on the album. To this day I can play Alive or Porch with my eyes closed thanks to that first tab book and all the effort I put into it. The problem was I didn't have the money to go out and buy all my favorite band's tablature books, so Pearl Jam songs were all I could play on my cheap electric guitar. At that time the internet was still a baby and I didn't even have America Online.

Today the internet is an incredible resource for guitar lessons and tablature. Any song you can possibly think of is tabbed out somewhere online. Even brand new songs are available immediately and for free. You can really speed up the learning curve if you take advantage of all the internet has to offer for a beginner guitar plater. A great place to start and find all the tabs you could ever want is It's usually the first place I check when I'm looking for some well tabbed out riffs.

Now that you've got you're cheap electric guitar, choose an option and stick with it. You'll learn to play like a pro either way, as long as you put the necessary effort in.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cheap Electric Guitars: Where to Hunt for Deals

Finding quality cheap electric guitars, or cheap acoustic guitars can be frustrating or a colossal waste of time. Cheap electric guitars aren't just for beginners, especially in these "tough economic times" (UGHH, I promise never to say "tough economic times" again - pinky swear).

No matter the conditions, everybody's looking for a deal. But don't forget that nowadays many are looking to make some quick cash. If you've got the motivation and can sniff out a killer bargain, there's no better time than now to score killer deals on used guitars or even vintage electric guitars.

I'm sure there are plenty of folks who are throwing their Dad's vintage Gibson up on Craig's List for a hundred bucks, while any major music store could get 10 times that asking price. These garage rummagers likely don't know the potential value of such and item and are just looking for fast money.

Craig's List can be a cheap electric guitar gold mine.

You can also find some steals in your local newspaper. Check out the classified section and make some phone calls. This is how I got my first Fender. It was a tex-mex special that could've sold for an easy $250. I paid $60 for a slightly used one in great condition and the dude was nice enough to throw in a super comfy strap, and some glow in the dark pics. That was almost 20 years ago and I still rock out with that cheap electric guitar to this day.

If your willing to dig around a bit you're can find a gem of an axe. If you don't have the time to uncover a deal in your neighborhood - fear not! Just stay tuned.

That's what the cheap electric guitars website is all about.

Finding the deals and bringin' em to ya...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Cheap Electric Guitars

Welcome to Cheap Electric Guitars! This site is dedicated to finding, reviewing and playing cheap electric guitars. Whether your a beginner guitar player, or just a frugal one, this site will provide the information you're looking for. If you have any questions not covered on the site, please feel free to email me at